Our big Jubilee Garden party was a huge success. The sun shone, there were games and fun for children while parents, families and friends could relax (a little)
Our guests Smoke Box barbecue did a roaring trade as did Beanissimo
with their popular coffee and wraps while Gentleman Jim’s Bar
kept the drinks flowing
The Mayor visited and met our team. Children received “party bags” with refreshments and seeds to take home or plant in the garden.
The Stitchers loaned their lovely bunting and wall of flowers adding to the natural beauty of the Garden.
The Trumpington Residents Association came with giant bubbles and crowns – and “our Queen” 😉 dropped by
Local designers Teacup Treasures and Triple Kiss Designs
displayed their wares,
a local scout manned a second hand book stall.
New volunteers are always welcome to keep the Garden looking lovely – all skills or none – gardening, DIY, money raising, grant-applications, and more.
Thank you to Cambridge City Council for the grant that enabled us to hold this event