Get Involved

Weather Forecast

Daily watering in green house during Summer.

General watering in the garden during warmer spells, including vegetable patch, flowers beds and raised beds.

Always use best judgement when considering watering -A watering rota will be set up.

There is always weeding and some planting that needs doing and other general garden tasks.

We also have a number of larger projects in the pipeline for the garden that we will be looking for support with.

To get involved and enjoy the pleasures of the gardening in this beautiful space, please do get in touch. We would love to have you on board. Give as much or as little as your time allows.

We have an Action Group on Whatsapp where we discuss more specific and current things to do in the garden. This is also where you can join the watering rota.

To join the Action Group please please first join the garden info group and introduce yourself:

If you would like to help but don’t have access to Whatsapp, simply email us or pop down to the garden and look out for one of our volunteers.

Email: [email protected]

We divide the garden into Eastern Side and Western Side. These are respectively East and West of Hobson Avenue.


Additionally, we divide each of these sides into 4 quadrants: North-West, North-East, South-East, and South-West.

For brevity and clarity, each quadrant can be addressed by its side (“E” for East and “W” for West), followed by its location within this side (NW, NE, SE, SW as abbreviations).

Below a simplified map for orientation: