Addenbrookes Community Garden visit

On Thursday 16th May Addenbrookes Community Garden Project facilitated by  CUH Arts and Darwin Nurseries (NHS) held a session in the Community Garden. 

This was the 2nd of 6 workshops taking place over two weeks in the Cambridge area to provide inspiration for a community garden to be developed at Addenbrookes. The focus of these sessions is centred on how to create, nurture and manage a garden to as an area of calm for both staff and patients.   

Thank you to our volunteers who shared their experience of our Garden, the team members from CUH Arts, CUH Sustainability, to Sandie Cain from Darwin Nurseries who lead the event, and everyone who came along and took part.

Despite the rain, it was a great morning of learning, sharing ideas and experience in support of this wonderful project to enhance nature and well-being. 

We were also treated to a mindful activity – becoming aware of our emotions whilst quietly contemplating the patterns created by droplets of rain on the pond, which went down a treat.

Here is a poem written by one of our volunteers as part of the activity….

A moment to be mindful. 

Stood silently in a group

The radiating rings of rain drops

Settle into my soul.

I feel a sense of what needs to be done

And passed days of anxiety

With a wash of calmness

Unnoticed awareness 

As I’m caressed in stillness.