On Saturday 3rd December Santa made a special visit to the community garden whilst touring around Trumpington and we put on a Christmas event.
It was amazing to see the crowds of people, parents and children all mingling ready to meet santa and enjoying the delights we had on offer.
From toasting marshmallows around the mini bonfire, to tucking into a Christmas roast (served by Rotisseroll), enjoying a cup of special homemade mulled wine or a nice cup of hot chocolate (served by Emma with her Beanissimo coffee trike), everyone had a treat they could enjoy.
There was also the opportunity to have your photo taken, in a special set up Christmas photo studio by professional photographer Gabriella Fuzi (gabriellafuzi.com).
A big thank you to all involved for making the event possible and a big thank you to everyone who popped down to see us on the day!
You can also follow the community garden on social media….
Instagram: https://instagram.com/clayfarmcommunitygarden?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/clayfarmgarden/